
I try to find her 
but I found you 
I try to find a garden 
but I found the wilderness 
I try to find the steppe 
but I found a sand storm 
I try to find dinosaur eggs 
but I found a boundary 
I try to find love 
but I found a rose with thorns 

I try to find a murmuring stream 
but I found a dried-up well 
I try to find God 
but that paradise does not exist 
I try to find my homeland 
but I found something sad and depressed 
I try to find the window of memory 
but I found a rusted door 
When I open it
There's only a cry 



Чамайг хайж яваад би 
Түүнийг оллоо гэвч 
Зүүдээ хайж яваад би 

Үлдэгдэлийг нь оллоо гэвч 
Тал нутгийг хайж яваад би 
Элсэн шуургийг оллоо гэвч 

Үлэг гүрвэлийн өндөг хайж яваад 
Хил хязгаарыг оллоо гэвч 
Хайрын сарнай хайж явсан би 

Хатуу өргөс оллоо гэвч 
Хоржигнон урсах ус хайсан би 
Ширгэсэн худаг оллоо гэвч 

Бурхан хайж явсан би 
Байдаггүй диваажинг оллоо гэвч 
Эх орноо хайж явсан би 

Тэнүүлч амьдрал оллоо гэвч 
Ой санамжны цонхыг хайж явсан би 
Зэвэрсэн хаалга оллоо гэвч 

Шулуун зам хайж явсан би 
Хүүхэд нас хайж явсан би 
Цурхаран уйлахыг л оллоо 




I was looking for her
but found you
I was looking for a dream

but found ruins
I went looking for the steppe
but found a sandstorm

I was looking for dinosaur eggs
But found a boundary 
I was looking for love's roses

but found hard thorns
I went looking for a murmuring stream
but found a dried-up well

I was looking for God
but found, there is no paradise 
I went looking for a homeland

but found a vagabond's life
I was looking for the window of memory
But found a rusty door

I was looking for a straight road
I was looking for childhood years
But there was only a cry 

         (A more literal but less poetic translation by aw)


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