Faiz Ahmed Faiz 

Als der Frühling kam

Mit der Ankunft des Frühlings
kehrten auch, aus dem Vergessen,
all die Träume und Jugenderinnerungen zurück,
die um deiner Lippen willen gestorben sind.
Sie waren gestorben, doch wurden sie wiedergeboren. 

Und all die Rosen öffneten sich, 
die erfüllt sind vom Duft der Erinnerung an dich,
Durchtränkt vom Blut deiner Liebhaber. 

Und all die Seelenqualen kehrten auch zurück – 
Bedauern und Leiden der Freunde, 
die Trunkenheit, die entspringt aus der Umarmung von Nymphen,
Der Schmerz, den das Bewußtsein wieder erspürt:
Deiner und meiner.
Und all die Fragen, die Antworten auch, 
Mit der Ankunft des Frühlings waren 
alle Rechnungen wieder offen.

                                           [Übersetzt von / transl. by aw]

It Is Spring Again 

It is spring, And the ledger is opened again. 
From the abyss where they were frozen, 
those days suddenly return, those days 
that passed away from your lips, that died 
with all our kisses, unaccounted. 
The roses return: they are your fragrance; 
they are the blood of your lovers. 
Sorrow returns. I go through my pain 
and the agony of friends still lost in the memory 
of moon-silver arms, the caresses of vanished women. 
I go through page after page. There are no answers, 
and spring has come once again asking 
the same questions, reopening account after account. 

            Transl. by Agha Shahid Ali (from: The Rebel’s Silhouette)




bahaar aa’ii 

bahaar aa’ii to jaise yak baar 
lauT aaye haiN phir adam se 
vo Khvaab saare, shabaab saare 
jo tere hoNtoN pe mar miTe the 
jo miT ke har baar phir jiiye the 
nikhar gaye haiN gulaab saare 
jo terii yaadoN se mushk-buu haiN 
jo tere ushshaaq kaa lahuu haiN 
ubal paRe haiN azaab saare 
malaal-e-ahvaal-e-dostaaN bhii 
Khumaar-e-aaghosh-e-mahvashaaN bhii 
Gubaar-e-Khaatir ke baab saare 
tere hamaare 
savaal saare, javaab saare 
bahaar aa’ii to khul gaye haiN 
naye sire se hisaab saare 

(April 1975)

When spring came 

With the arrival of spring, 
Returned, also, from oblivion, 
All those dreams, and youthful memories, 
Which had died for your lips, 
They had died, but were born again. 

And all those roses have opened, 
Which are infused with the scent of your memory, 
Imbued with the blood of your lovers. 

And all those torments have returned too – 
Regrets and sufferings of the friends, 
The drunkenness induced by the embrace of nymphs, 
The pain recalled by the mind; 
Your and mine. 
And all the queries, the replies too, 
With the arrival of spring have opened, 
Once again all the accounts anew.

                                               Transl. by Sain Sucha 


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