Venugopalan KB

[Leaves Falling]

leaves falling 
in the autumn: 
of pure experience 
not as thought 
but awareness 
that itself 
is the essence 
of the experience too 
which being complete in itself 
doesn't even demand 
any explanation 
or interpretation



Blätter, die fallen
in den Herbst:
von reiner Erfahrung
nicht ein Gedanke
aber Bewußtsein
daß es selbst
das Wesentliche ist
auch der Erfahrung
die, in sich selbst vollständig,
nicht einmal verlangt
nach Erklärung
oder Deutung

transl. into German by aw


Venugopalan Nair who lives in Kerala, India has been interested in poetry and other art forms for many years. He has taught English language and literature at university level. Several of his haiku, in both English and Malayalam, form part of an anthology published by “the Haiku Association of India”, a collective aiming to popularize and promote haiku in Kerala as well as in the language of Kerala, Malayalam, of which he has been the founder President. 


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